Apperception is fully conscious perception.  It is the mechanism by which new observations become associated with past knowledge and experience.  Fundamental to apperceiving is sensory information, but the conscious process of assimilating that information into the context of our past experience makes us more completely aware.

Our world is defined by movement. We sense the flow of the air, the ever-changing effects of sunlight that give form to matter, and the systemic nature of all organic life.  Much of this dynamic is conveyed through rhythms and patterns.  Although these manifestations of change have always been present in our experience, we may not credit them as being definitive of our existence.

The subject matter of this collection of work represents a cross-section of our everyday environments.  The underlying thread, however, deals with the intangible.  I have sought to express more than just the formal qualities that constitute a landscape.  It is my response to the transitory, fluid nature of experience.